AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchases to Andrews PTA. Here's an EASY AND FREE way to support Andrews PTA programs:
If you shop from your phone, you can get Amazon Smile through the app:
- Open the Amazon app
- Tap the main menu icon
- Scroll down and click on "Settings"
- Tap "AmazonSmile"
- Search for “Andrews Elementary PTA”
- Select “Andrews Elementary PTA” in Plano, TX
- Start shopping!
You can also use Amazon Smile from your computer:
- Sign in to with your regular Amazon log-in information
- Search for “Andrews Elementary PTA” when prompted to “Start by picking your charity”
- Select “Andrews Elementary PTA” in Plano, TX
- Start shopping!
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Andrews PTA Awards
MARS (Men Are Really Super) Membership Award for having at least 50 men as members in 2021
2019-20 Golden Apple